The Vietnam War ranged and raged over different countries in Southeast Asia. Active combatants in Laos and Cambodia were often attached to Special Operations groups or squadrons.
This collection of remembrances examines the secret war over Laos through the eyes of one Air Force Aircraft Commander. Patrick Hyland has captured the excitement, the danger, and the occasional humor in the war over Laos during late 1969 and early 1970. Every veteran’s experience in the Vietnam War was different, and each person who was sent into harm’s way found the war to be unique and very personal. Those who served in different capacities, in any war, action, police action, or military engagement will find that these raw stories resonate at the most intimate level. Those who have not served will gain an important understanding of this theater of war through Patrick’s year as a Candlestick Forward Air Controller over Laos.
Announcing the Release of
Night FAC Over Laos
Now Available in Paperback and Ebook format through
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